「NAWA LINK」in Kassel Germany
German students collaborated to erect a Nawa column made with 7,000 old T-shirts
NAWA LINK IN KASSEL, GERMANY Mariyo Yagi received a DAAD Grant from the German government to participate in the INSIDE International Art Exhibition / Parallel Documents KASSEL, Germany. German students collaborated to erect a Nawa column ( 8m high X 2m diameter) made with 7,000 old T-shirts and hay at Ashrott Park in KASSEL,Germany. A catalogue documenting the project was published by Inernational Public Art Co. Ltd.
the international inside exhibition,
"Nawa link in Kassell"
Citizen and production of 500 people in Germany
Projektgruppe Stoffwechsel Kassel Parallel Documenta
At Schrott park
Kassel Germany
Since the Rio Earth Summit, I developed more formal moral and philosophical theory of life emerging out of this artistic practice. I named this theory, “Nawalogy.” (In 1998, this theoretical work led to my receiving a Doctor of Humanities Honoris Cause from Anaheim University.) Through artistic and ritual events of what I term “Social Art,” I have created installation works and permanent monuments known as “Nawa Vital Link Projects,” artistic collaborations that actively unite people and communities in the spirit of peace. These projects establish intimate person-to-person
links on a monumental scale; people’s worn and inscribed T-shirts are gathered together to create a monumental rope, a gigantic “nawa” column that symbolically bind together a great range of persons, from children to the elderly, transcending all boundaries and differences in background. This work has contributed to the revitalization of labor unions and communities, awakening relations between nature and people, between cultures and people, and between individuals, helping to nurture social harmony in our common struggle for world peace.
Vital Link is an artistic collaboration that actively unites people for a spirit of peace. In a world of discord and
destruction, people develop an ever growing need for unity, harniony and balance; to plant a constructive seed that contributes towards a bounty of peace. The Olympics is the event that expresses the desire for global unity.
if global unity is the goal, Vital Link is the answer.